Setting Up Zelle$ Online Payments
How to pay rent to Regan Management, LLC using Zelle$ for no additional costs!
First, look up and see if your bank is already partnered with Zelle$.
Second, login into your bank online either with your smartphone or your personal computer and select the payments section. Select the send money feature. Select "Add New Contact." Enter the following information into the New Contact information: Regan (First Name), Management (Last Name), and then the email address: info@reganmanagementllc.com. Press "Save."
Third, select "Send," a new page will open asking you to enter the amount of money you want to send to Regan Management LLC. At that point, you can also select if you wish for this to be a monthly reoccurring payment or a one-time payment. Once you are all set. select "Review."
Finally, on the final page, you will be asked to leave a note, like "Rent" for both your records as well as our own. Below select "Send" and you did it!
Follow this your bank will send a confirmation receipt as well as detailed information about this transaction for your personal records.
How Zelle$ Works
Regan Management LLC / T 781-894-1900 / info@reganmanagementllc.com / © 2023 Regan Management, LLC